
Jydge switch review
Jydge switch review

jydge switch review

While the JYDGE can take a stealthier approach to each level, if detected enemies will immediately shoot to kill and lack any further strategy against you. The AI of the punk-like enemies in JYDGE don’t help the situation. Despite the slower pacing of gun fights, it still struggles when it comes to precision shot making – which severely detracts from the addictive nature and general satisfaction of this genre. Even the generic but upbeat soundtrack promoting law and order doesn’t solve the case. Sadly though, the shootouts in JYDGE just do not compete with more prominent top-down shooters. You might find yourself in the occasional bar fight, but you’ll still be awkwardly navigating tight corridors and walking down dead ends into janitor cupboards.Īccording to 10tons, enemy bullets have been slowed to make fire fights more manageable. For the most part you’ll be breaching buildings that are made up of lobbies, boardrooms and bathrooms.

Jydge switch review Patch#

While a bit more colour has been added to levels with the odd patch of greenery from time to time, the design of each stage still lacks variety in terms of layout. Disappointingly, the futuristic theme still feels just as uninspired.

jydge switch review

As JYDGE borrows art assets from Neon Chrome, the level presentation is strikingly familiar with bright colours highlighting doorways, signage, collectables and other points of interest. Each level follows a similar pattern – eliminate all enemies in sight, neutralise a key target, save the hostages and then get out. Taking control of the JYDGE, you jump right into the action as a law enforcer.

Jydge switch review